Friday, April 16, 2010

Foodies Love Friday - The Inn at Little Washington

I love being in love, don't you? I'm one of those crazy people that believe that there is a direct correlation between love and food; but then again I also think there is a correlation between food and fashion but that's another story for another day. Anyway, once upon a time when I was in love, I was taken to a place in Washington, VA that was so special, just the mere mention of this place, to this day, brings a tear to my eye. The Inn has a reputation that precedes itself and you have to shonuff shonuff be someone that is worthy of the expense. Expensive? You betcha! But boy just thinking about it makes the little baby hair on the back of my neck stand and salute! "We both love food and tonight, I wanted to use our love of food to show you how much I love you," he said. When I realized where he had taken me I asked, "Can you afford this? Can we afford this?" "You can never put a price tag on love." And while that may be true, it was quite a few weeks before we went out again. That night a memory was made and later, he was thanked WELL!!!!

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